- Futurology of Cooperation was piloted by
- Anna Czapski and
- Diederik Peeters
- The research-team
- Rasa Alksnyte,
- Hans Bryssinck,
- Anna Czapski,
- Pierre Huyghebaert (OSP),
- Heike Langsdorf,
- Sarah Magnan (OSP),
- Mathilde Maillard,
- Diederik Peeters,
- Anna Rispoli,
- Marine Thévenet,
- Adva Zakai.
- Astrology (back cover: astral chart of the research project)
- Anne Lepère
- Intern
- Luca Persan
- Proofreading of some articles in English
- Aubrey Birch
- Translation of some articles into Dutch
- Steven Tallon
- Design
- Open Source Publishing (OSP, Pierre Huyghebaert and Sarah Magnan)
- Libre typography
- Compagnon font by Juliette Duhé and Léa Pradine distributed by Velvetyne.fr, in addtion of retro-futur QTOptimum, QTBengal and QTFrizQuad from the 1992 Qualitype font package, rejuvenated in 2009.
- Software tools
- Ethertoff
- Nextcloud
- Inkscape
- Gimp + Imagemagick
- Chiplotle (to draw symbols on osties)
- Hosting of the website and cloud
- Domaine public , Brussels, with love
- Printer
- With the precious help and motivation of, and thanks to :
- Bek Berger,
- Martin Boutry,
- Gijs De Heij,
- Delphine Hesters,
- Joris Janssens,
- Maja Kuzmanovic,
- Rocio Leza,
- Ernst Maréchal,
- Siti Nurjanah,
- Laura Oriol,
- Miriam Rhode,
- Flavio Rodrigues,
- Sarah Sampelayo,
- Erika Sprey,
- Herlinde Van Langenhove,
- Katrien Vuylsteke Vanfleteren,
- Ingrid Vranken,
- Emmanuelle Wattier,
- Moni Wespi
- And also
- Yvonne,
- Emma & Lisa Harder (the Geneva branch of Futurology of Cooperation).
Special thanks to all the students at KASK, P.A.R.T.S. and ESA Saint-Luc Bruxelles.
Prima and Radical House, House of practices. And also Viernulvier Gent and Buda kunstencentrum Kortrijk, Centre Culturel des Grottes in Geneva, Homo Novus Festival in Riga.
Our Belgian branch of experimental futurology provides tailor-made interventions and consultancy. Training courses, trekking, fortune telling: grimoire@futurology.be
Everything you find here is published under the [CC BY-SA] licence (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/) and is there for everyone to use, modify and adapt to specific needs and situations. The aim is "to encourage the circulation of works, exchange and creativity in a simple and legal manner. Creative Commons is thus aimed at authors who prefer to share their work and enrich the common heritage (the Commons) of freely accessible culture and information. The work can thus evolve throughout its distribution". And "copyright licenses and Creative Commons tools provide a balance within the traditional 'all rights reserved' framework created by copyright laws. [These licenses] give everyone from individual creators to large corporations and public institutions simple, standardized ways to grant additional copyright permissions to their works. The combination of [these licenses] and [its] users is a vast and growing digital commons, a common space of content that can be copied, distributed, modified, remixed, and adapted, all within the framework of copyright law."
The CC BY-SA license is the only one of the six Creative Commons licenses that is considered copyleft. This license is also fully compatible with the Free Art License, which offers a more interesting and less legally jargonous tone. "While the public’s access to creations of the human mind usually is restricted by the implementation of copyright law, it is favoured by the Free Art License. This license intends to allow the use of a work’s resources; to establish new conditions for creating in order to increase creation opportunities. The Free Art License grants the right to use a work, and acknowledges the right holder’s and the user’s rights and responsibility. The invention and development of digital technologies, Internet and Free Software have changed creation methods: creations of the human mind can obviously be distributed, exchanged, and transformed. They allow to produce common works to which everyone can contribute to the benefit of all."
In 2022, as we launch this Grimoire, multiple licenses add interesting conditions, such as those in the ACAB license, "No business entity where the ratio of pay (salaried, freelance, stocks, or other benefits) between the highest and lowest individual in the entity is greater than 50 : 1 may use the work for any reason."
At the same time, we look at the speculative licence CC4r which raises more powerful and future questions. "The CC4r favours re-use and generous access conditions. It considers hands-on circulation as a necessary and generative activation of current, historical and future authored materials. While you are free to (re-)use them, you are not free from taking the implications from (re-)use into account.
The CC4r troubles the binary approach that declares authored works either ‘open’ or ‘closed’. It tries to address how a universalist approach to openness such as the one that Free licenses maintain, has historically meant the appropriation of marginalised knowledges. It is concerned with the way Free Culture, Free Licenses and Open Access do not account for the complexity and porosity of knowledge practices and their circulation, nor for the power structures active around it. [...] This document was written in response to the Free Art License (FAL) in a process of coming to terms with the colonial structuring of knowledge production. It emerged out of concerns with the way Open Access and Free Culture ideologies foregrounding openness and freedom as universal principles might replicate some of the problems with conventional copyright."
So feel free to mix and remix anything you like. For public events, it's always good to mention the narrative credits, as we tried to do too. You are also welcome to share your adaptations or experience by emailing us at grimoire@futurology.be.
- Support
- Anna Czapski & Diederik Peeters are affiliated as artistic researchers to KASK & Conservatorium, the School of Arts van HOGENT and Howest. The research project Futurology of Cooperation is funded by HOGENT Arts Research Fund.
- With the support of the transborder cooperation fund Région Hauts-de-France & Vlaamse Gemeenschap via L’Amicale & SPIN.
ISBN 9789464668438
November 2022
Digital versions of all these texts available to read, print and remix on futurology.be

Futurology of Cooperation research group, Jurmala, Latvia, 2021